Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 08: The last item I purchased.

Oh this week has been so good so far :) i am just having a great time because of these three things :
-deep talks with good friends
- hanging out with new friends
- and watching movies in my cozy room.

But , the last item i purchased is some second hand children's books i believe . I love getting kids books at the salvation army , both me and my sister are starting a collection for babysitting, teaching and our own kids . think ahead much ? :)
here they are .

xoxo Rub&Flo :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 07: A song for the day.

hihi . How are you all today ? I have had an excellent weekend so far . and now i am watching Sister Wives , so it is even better . So todays thingermabob is a song for today . For me it's Christmas season already.. So my song of the day is Michael Buble's Cold December Night .
I love love love this song . It's so cheery . :)

enjoy :)
xoxoRub&FLo .

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 06: A book I'm reading.

I have been reading is Lunch in Paris, by Elizabeth Bard . I am really enjoying it a lot . This book isn't going to change yer life or anything but it is a good relaxing, fun read . Plus it has really cool french recipes. So if yer into that kinda stuff, go for it and read it !

Happy Reading .
xoxo Rub&Flo !

Day 05: Three years ago today.

So hai . I actually went back in my journals for this question . And i got quite a kick out of myself ! Well three years ago was the best school year of my life , it was grade 8 and i loved my class . Our teacher barely taught us but we had such a good time together. So this day specifically was our last Volleyball game of the season . and the boy i like at the time , apparently hugged me . Oh how silly i was. I love that i have been writing in a journal for about 4 years now because i can go back and the memories come rushing back :)

This was halloween 2008 :)
I miss these days a whole lot .
xoxo Rub&Flo !

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 04: A friend I adore.

See how well i am doing at this ? Yay :) Anyway today is a friend i adore day . This is a tough one because i love so many people , adore on the other hand is another word all together. I think that one of the people i adore the most on this earth is a wonderful girl called Vanessa. She is genuinely beautiful and she is the first true best friend i have ever had .
Can you say stunning ? I love her so much , she has been with me through the hardest times in my life. We haven't seen each other in almost 4 month, but we talk everyday and i don't think i could get through life without her.
We be best friends :)

xoxo Rub&Flo.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 03: Something I never leave the house without.

This is actually a tough one since there isn't really anything that i have with me all the time , not even my cell phone. But for most of my life , with some periods without, i have had a book with me at almost all times. :)

Here are some of my favorites.

P.s. The first one is by far the best !

Xoxo Rub&Flo.

Day 02: Three inspirational quotes :)

Yess , i am already doing better at this blogging thing . I just started my Art 2o class and i am already feeling so inspired, but it seems for me that when i feel so inspired i just go on the computer to look at things that inspire me even more . Through this i never actually express my inspiration , i pray that i will stop my procrastinating and create something beautiful dang it !
Okay so 3 inspirational quotes :

So there you go :) thanks for reading , if anyone is .
xoxo Rub&Flo

Sunday, November 6, 2011

30 Days Hath November . [Day 1]

Oh ma gosh , i am always so disappointed in myself for not blogging more often , but who has the time? Well obviously a ton of people , such as the lovely women whose blogs i read everyday . So i thought this challenge might help me to blog more often . Here are the "assignments" .

Day 1: Self Portrait , now i thought about being all artsy with this but really that isn't realistic . This is how i look right now . Cozy in my bed , with my blogs. Just the way i like it . :)

Day 02: Three inspirational quotes.
Day 03: Something I never leave the house without.
Day 04: A friend I adore.
Day 05: Three years ago today.
Day 06: A book I'm reading.
Day 07: A song for the day.
Day 08: The last item I purchased.
Day 09: A close-up of my day.
Day 10: What I love about my job.
Day 11: Something I’ve been craving.
Day 12: Three blogs I can’t get enough of.
Day 13: Something I'm proud of.
Day 14: A favourite movie.
Day 15: Some style inspiration for the season.
Day 16: Someone who inspires me.
Day 17: My family.
Day 18: What I wore today.
Day 19: A silly self-portrait.
Day 20: A childhood anecdote.
Day 21: Something I could never tire of.
Day 22: Some place I’ve traveled.
Day 23: Eight things you didn't know about me.
Day 24: Something that means a lot to me.
Day 25: The contents of my purse.
Day 26: Something I'm looking forward to.
Day 27: Myself, one year ago.
Day 28: A skill I'd like to learn.
Day 29: Some place I'd like to visit.
Day 30: Three wonderful things
that happened this month.
xoxo Rub&Flo !!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall beauts


Hey ther :) haven't seen you in a while. i wish i was the type of person that could get into a habit quickly. it would probably also help if i had my own computer, preferably a mac. Anyway , i am so happy that fall is on it's way! it may take a while since here every other day it is back to 30degrees. I love fall , but i love winter more. Snow is beautiful. So lately i have been up to these kind of things .
- Starting school , which is going really well ! Eleventh grade is a lot more challenging than i expected it to me academics wise. Maybe it was a bad idea to take physics and bio in the same quarter...
- Listening to every song on my ipod in alphabetical order. My rule is if i feel like skipping the song i have to delete it, in order to narrow down my music choices to music i actually enjoy.

- Run for the Cure :) oh it was fun. Today was Run for the Cure and it was great! I love feeling like i am a part of something. It was definitely a challenge. but for a first timer 5km in 54 minutes doesn't seem so bad right ?

I am in love with online shopping at Urban Outfitters , my way of doing things in order to not spend money is, i convince myself that i going to buy some stuff and then i put it off, put it off until it's sold out and then i'm sad. But i don't spend money that i don't have , so thats good. If anyone is in the mood to buy me a little fall something something , here are some ideas :

I'm seeing a bit of a fall color scheme, are you ?
xoxo Rub&Flo

Saturday, August 13, 2011

5 things that make me very happy at the moment .

So i don't this will be a daily scheduled thing but i like stating my favorite things so i decided to let you all (by all i mean nobody, because nobody reads this) know what i am loving lately.

1. Emma Stone
Source Unkown

She's confident , she's hilarious and she can act. What's not to like. I think she is one of the prettiest actresses and she just seems so real. Plus who didn't love Crazy, Stupid, Love ?

2. This blog :)

I just love this lady's style. It's cute and it's in New York. Nice.

3. The Mountains

At the moment I am at a lovely hotel in Canmore, Alberta. It's beautiful here. I don't think you are allowed to live in Alberta and not love the mountains, then again same goes for country music and well i can't stand that.

4. Good friends

All of a sudden it seems like i have an abundance of good friends and every day i feel so blessed to have each and every one of them.

5. Shorts !
Usually i don't really don't shorts but this summer i have learned to love them. I found the perfect denim shorts at Gap and i would wear them everyday if i could. Plus i actually have those adorable floral ones above from H&M. :)

xoxo Rub&Flo.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Series ! Home Sweet Home : Washington D.C.

So i have decided to start a new series (possibly my first ?) on this little blog 'o mine and it will be featuring all of the places i would LOVE to live some day. And to kick it off the first place i would absolutely love to live is


Recently , as in today, i have decided that Washington seems like a lovely place to live. Examples :

Today i had a lovely time swimming at my friends house , and now i smell like sun and chlorine, and i love it. :)

x0x0 Rub&Flo

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Galavanting through Britain

Hello blog world ! It's been a while. Me and my sister took our very lovely visit back home to Manitoba and we rarely had internet access. I don't know how we survived . So anyway, more about that trip later but my traveling has had me wishing i was traveling a little farther. How i wish i was in england. So for a quick post here is what you would see me wearing if you were to see me galavanting through London.Galavanting through Britain

Back later for a photo shoot post !
xoxo Rub&Flo :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Instax Beauts :)

Hello loves! so i love my new instax mini so much, that i thought i would share my favorites photos with you !

take one! Actually turned out lovely .

Tristy and Chaela :)

Exam week buddies!

Terrible lighting , so didn't turn out . But i love the memories :)

First try with bright sun on the lake . hah , wrong setting but it looks pretty cool in person , like ghost cousins .

My favorite so far :) Me and my sister and my cousin, kev.
Classic. Cousins fighting on the dock :)

So there you go , obviously i need more practice with settings and exposures and such . But i have decided to love them all for all of their mistakes and funny looking-ness .
Thanks for looking.
x0x0 Rub&Flo.